Friday, May 11, 2012

What a ride

I am officially here and honestly, it feels like home. The past few days have been full of smiles and warm greetings and stories, many stories. Our over-wintering friends are pulling themselves out of their winter dens (bears and humans) and embracing the spring that is arriving rather quickly. Although, for the humans at least, having all these people around again must take some getting used to. Their exuberance for our tales of adventures back East is refreshing and really kind. Yes, there is a lot of warmth in being back here even if the snow is still hip-high in places.

Training is underway and I have really enjoyed it. My time deep in the interior meeting new friends and seeing elk, marten, grizzlies, and water fowl at the lake has been wonderful. Two more weeks of training follow for me and yes, I'll enjoy my four days of "in town" training. I'll admit to dreaming of draft beers already. I am most excited for the day when we meet with some of the best resource experts in the country and learn all about the wildlife in depth. The training has been incredible so far and really has been stretching me.

My response from a piece of training asking why the park is relevant to me:

I find relevance in the wildness of this place. Wilderness here is the unique opportunity to be a part of an ecosystem, a participant, in a very real way. To see wild things and sleep in wild places creates something new inside of us. There is a certainty of your being in possession of the qualities of LIFE when you are here. There is no holding space or keeping time you must certainly be alive. The park not only encourages alertness, awe, excitement, humility it REQUIRES it. Reverence and respect are a given.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you feel at home. Look forward to keeping up with you guys! Give Austin my best and have fun!
